Download Title Duration Venue Applicable to Deadline
PIM January 2014 Calender January, 2014 PIM Govt. Officers/Officials 15 Days Before Commencement of each Training

(i) Internet(ii) Word Processing

(i) 20-01-2014 to 31-01-2014(ii) 06-01-2014 to 10-01-2014 STI Govt. Officers/Officials (i) 07-01-2014(ii) 02-01-2014

Projection Techniques for Employment Planning

16th-17th January, 2014 PMI Govt. Officers 03-01-2014

Modern Database Management

6th-08th January, 2014 PMI BPS-11 01-01-2014

Government Performance Management System

8th-10th January, 2014 Estab Division BPS-19 & 20 27-12-2013

Urdu Composition (In-Page) Computer Course

16th- 27th Dec, 2013 STI APS, Stenotypists & Equivalent 06-12-2013

Training Courses at STI

STI Govt. Officers

Two Days Seminar on “Women Empowerment”

4th-5th Dec, 2013 PMI Govt. Officers 22-11-2013

Three Days Seminar on “Total Quality Management”

25th-27th Nov, 2013 PMI Govt. Officers 20-11-2013

Civil Defence Welfare Officers Course

18th-29th Nov, 2013 GOR-I, Lahore At Least BPS-14 and above 08-11-2013

Personality Development

26-28 Nov, 2013 Estab Div Govt. Officers(BPS 19-20) 24-10-2013

Effective LeaderShip

07-08 Oct, 2013 PMI Govt. Officers 01-10-2013

Human Resource Management Framework within Public Sector

07-10 Oct, 2013 Estab Div, Lahore Govt. Officers 23-09-2013

Constructing Human Resource Management Framework within Public Sector

30-09-2013 to 03-10-2013 Estab Div, Karachi Govt. Officers 20-09-2013

(i)Microsoft Office ( Ms-Word, Ms-Excel & PowerPoint) (ii) Office Orientation

(i) 30th Sep- 11th Oct, 2013(ii) 01st-11th Oct, 2013 STI Govt. Officials (i) 21-09-2013(ii) 21-09-2013

(i) Time Management (ii) Decision Making in Public Sector

(i) 10-13 Sep, 2013(ii) 23-26 Sept, 2013 STI Govt. Officers (i) 05-09-2013(ii) 13-09-2013


23-27 Sept, 2013 PMI Govt. Officials 09-09-2013

Role of Entrepreneurship for Employment Promotion

09-13 Sept, 2013 PMI Govt. Officials 03-09-2013

(i) English Shorthand (ii) Office Orientation (iii) Capacity Building (iv) Training Course for PS , PA & equivalent (v) Urdu Shorthand (vi) Urdu Composition

28-08-2013 to04-09-2013 STI Govt. Officials (i), (ii), (vi)28-08-2013(iv) 02-09-2013(ii) 04-09-2013

6 Month Training Schedule of PIM

August, 2013 to January, 2014 Lahore, Islamabad, Quetta, Karachi Govt. Servants 15 Days Before commencement of each Training in attached Calendar

Trade Remedies

02-07-2013 to 03-07-2013 LCCI Govt. Servants 27-06-2013

Project Preparation / PC-I/ PC-II Appraisal and Approval

03-07-2013 to 05-07-2013 PPMI Govt. Servants 21-06-2013

(i) Budget Preparation (ii) Changing Dynamics in Public Administration (iii) Urdu Type Writting and Computer Urdu In-Page Course

(i)01-03 July, 2013(ii)08-11 July, 2013 (iii) 01-26 July, 2013 STI Govt. Servants (i) 21-06-2013(ii)27-06-2013(iii)21-06-2013

Integrated Approach to Human Resource Development Planning

01-07-2013 to 05-07-2013 PMI Govt. Servants 21-06-2013

Project Cycle Management

27-06-2013 PITAD Govt. Servants 20-06-2013

Governance at Master Level for Helping the Government Departments/organizations

September, 2012 & February 2014 NUML Govt. Servants 14-06-2013

Office Automation with MS Office

to 21-06-2013
PMI Govt. Servants 14-06-2013

Training Courses at STI

STI Govt. Officials

Five Days Workshop on Managerial Effectiveness

10-06-2013 to 14-06-2013 Establishment Division Govt. Officers 30-05-2013

Training Courses at STI

STI Govt. Servants

Workshop on Managerial Effectiveness

18-06-2013 to 21-06-2013 Establishment Division Govt. Officers 31-05-2013

Training Workshop on “Research Methodology for Employment Issues”

03-06-2013 to 07-06-2013 PMI Govt. Officers 24-05-2013

Workshop on “Strategic Intent of Human Resource Management”

18-06-2013 to 20-06-2013 Establishment Division Govt. Officers 23-05-2013

Seminar on “The Role of Vocational Guidance and Vocational Training for Human Resources Development”

20-05-2013 to 21-05-2013 PMI Govt. Officers 16-05-2013

Training Course on Presentation on Power Point

20-05-2013 to 24-05-2013 PMI Govt. Servants 10-05-2013

Training at STI

STI Govt. Officials

HRD and Educational Planning

15-04-2013 to 19-04-2013 PMI Govt. Officers 05-04-2013

Training Courses at STI

STI Govt. Officers

Training Courses at STI

STI Govt. Servants

Computer Training Courses on E-Government and Organizational Development

25-03-2013 to 29-03-2013 PMI Govt. Servants 20-03-2013

Two Days Seminar on Promoting Gender Equality at Workplace

02-04-2013 to 03-04-2013 PMI Govt. Officers 25-03-2013

Training Courses at STI

STI Govt. Servants

Staffing the Organization

18-03-2013 to 22-03-2013 PMI Govt. Servants 15-03-2013

Training Calendar for 4th Quarter (April-June) 2013

PPMI Govt. Officers

Two Days Seminar on “Role of Entrepreneurship for Employment Promotion in Collaboration with Benazir Income Support Programme”

04-03-2013 to 05-03-2013 PMI Govt. Officers 26-02-2013

Training Courses at STI

STI Govt. Servants

Computer Training Course on “Word Processing with MS Word”

25-02-2013 to 01-03-2013 PMI Govt. Officials 21-02-2013

Training Courses at STI

STI Govt. Officers

Civil Defence Welfare Officers Course

18-02-2013 to 01-03-2013 Civil Defence Academy Govt. Officials 08-02-2013

Computer Training Course on “Modern Database”

04-02-2013 to 15-02-2013 PMI Govt. Servants 30-01-2013

Two Days Workshop on “Effective Communication Skills””

06-02-2013 to 07-02-2013 PMI Govt. Officers 29-01-2013

Training Course on “Modern Database Management”

14-01-2013 to 25-01-2013 PMI Govt. Servants 03-01-2013