Download Title Duration Venue Applicable to Deadline
Human Resource Management 21/02/2011-26/02/2011 PMI Gov. Servants 04-02-2011
Human Resource Development and Educational Planning 24/01/2011-28/01/2011 PMI Gov. Servants 07-1-2011
Urdu Shorthand Theory Typing and Computer (Inpage) Courses 03/01/2011-30/04/2011 STI Gov. Servants 22-12-2010
Courses in 3rd Quarter ( Economic and Project Management) Jan-March,2011 PPMI Gov. Servants Before 15 days of Desired Course
E-Gov. Effects and How an Organization can Contribute 10/01/2010-15/01/2010 PMI Gov. Servants 20-12-2010
IED by US Expert at Pakistan Customs Academy 05/12/2010 PCA,Karachi Gov. Servants 1-12-2010
Functional English 20/12/2010- 31/12/2010 STI Gov. Servants 16-12-2010
Rules of Buisness 13/12/2010- 17/12/2010 STI Gov. Servants 06-12-2010
Financial Rules 06/12/2010- 19/12/2010 STI Gov. Servants 01-12-2010
Time,Stress & Crises Management, Conflict Management & Conflict Resolution Strategies 29/11/2010- 03/12/2010 STI Gov. Servants 10-11-2010
Record Management, Freedom of Information Ordinance and National Archives Act, 1923 29/11/2010- 01/12/2010 STI Gov. Servants 10-11-2010
Sectoral Issues and Policies(Water & Energy Security,Minerals Policy) 24/11/2010- 26/11/2010 PPMI Gov. Servants 21-10-2010
Sectoral Issues and Policies(Industrial,Agricultural,Transport Policy) 27/10/2010- 29/10/2010 PPMI Gov. Servants 21-10-2010
Human Resource Planning and Economic Development 29/10/2010- 03/12/2010 PMI Gov. Servants 21-10-2010
Computer Training Course 25/10/2010- 06/11/2010 STI Gov. Servants 13-10-2010
Fire Prevention and Safety officers 25/10/2010- 06/11/2010 NIFT Gov. Servants 11-10-2010
Official Urdu for officers,Superintendents and Cooperatives 18/10/2010- 29/10/2010 STI Gov. Servants 30-09-2010
Financial Rules 18/10/2010- 22/10/2010 STI Gov. Servants 28-09-2010
Financial Management and Budgeting 04/10/2010- 08/10/2010 STI Gov. Servants 27-09-2010
Personal Administration and Service Las/Rules 04/10/2010- 15/10/2010 STI Gov. Servants 27-09-2010
Internet and Its Applications 04/10/2010- 08/10/2010 PMI Gov. Servants 15-09-2010
Internation Labour Standards and Women employment concerns 27/09/2010- 28/09/2010 PMI Gov. Servants 07-09-2010
Human Resource Development,Intrinsic Refinement, Humanering & Emotional intelligence 20/09/2010- 24/09/2010 STI Gov. Servants 06-09-2010
Rules of Business for Officials 20/09/2010- 24/09/2010 STI Gov. Servants 06-09-2010
Database Building with MS Access 23/08/2010- 03/09/2010 PMI Gov. Servants 16-08-2010
Admission in 1st year MBBS Academic Year 2010-2011 FJMC,Lahore Gov. Servants Real Daughters 13-08-2010
Communication Skills & Forms of Communication 30/08/2010- 03/09/2010 STI Gov. Servants 13-08-2010
Seminar on International Labour Standards and Women Employment Concerns 15/09/2010- 16/09/2010 PMI Gov. Servants 12-08-2010
Urdu Shorthand Speed/Theory/Computer Typing 01/09/2010- 31/09/2010 STI Gov. Servants 13-08-2010
Urdu Computer Composing Training Course 30/08/2010- 04/09/2010 STI Gov. Servants 12-08-2010
English Shorthand Theory Including Ms.Word,Ms.Excel & PowerPoint 01/08/2010- 31/12/2010 STI Gov. Servants 10-08-2010
Gov Servants Efficency & Discipline Rules,1973 and Civil Servants Rules 23/08/2010- 25/08/2010 STI Gov. Servants 09-08-2010
Human Resource Management 02/08/2010- 06/09/2010 PMI Gov. Servants 29-07-2010
Functional English for Officials(Part Time) 23/08/2010- 03/09/2010 STI Gov. Servants 06-08-2010
Financial/Service Laws/Rules for Officials(Part Time) 16/08/2010- 27/08/2010 STI Gov. Servants 06-08-2010
43rd Proficiency Test in Shorthand and Typewritting September,2010 STI Gov. Servants 06-08-2010
Financial Rules(Part Time) 09/08/2010- 13/08/2010 STI Gov. Servants 28-07-2010
Computer Training Course(Part Time) 16/08/2010- 27/08/2010 STI Gov. Servants 28-07-2010
Trainings in Information Technology for the Gov. Employees(Tentative Training Courses Schedule) July,2010- Dec,2010 PCB Gov. Servants Atleast 1 Week Before
Improving personal Effectiveness 19/07/2010- 30/07/2010 STI Gov. Servants 19-07-2010
Computer training Course 02/08/2010- 13/08/2010 STI Gov. Servants 19-07-2010
Secretariat Procedures and Practices Including Rules of Buisness,Secretary instructions and nothing/Drafting 02/08/2010- 13/08/2010 STI Gov. Servants 16-07-2010
Official Correspondence 26/07/2010- 30/07/2011 STI Gov. Servants 15-07-2010
Promotion Policy,Performance appraisal writting 26/07/2010- 30/07/2010 STI Gov. Servants 15-07-2010
Training Calendar for the year 2010-11 of PPMI 19/07/2010- 30/06/2011 PPMI Gov. Servants
Integrated Approach to Human Resource Development Planning 12/07/2010- 16/07/2010 PMI Gov. Servants 30/06/2010
WorkShop on Gender Sensitization 28/06/2010- 29/06/2010 PMI Public & Private Sector 23/06/2010
English Typewritting with Ms.Office 05/07/2010- 31/07/2010 STI Gov. Servants 23/06/2010
Office Management 05/07/2010- 13/08/2010 STI Gov. Servants 25/06/2010
Rules of Business 12/07/2010- 16/07/2010 STI Gov. Servants 30/06/2010
Special Computer Training Course-Ms.Office,In-page 05/07/2010- 21/07/2010 STI Gov. Servants 30/06/2010
Personnel Administration & Service Laws/Rules 19/07/2010- 30/07/2010(TRG) STI Gov. Servants 02/06/2010
Office Automation with MS-Office 05/07/2010- 16/07/2010 PMI Gov. Servants 23/06/2010
Urdu Composing(Inpage Programme) 21/06/2010- 25/06/2010 STI Gov. Servants 15/06/2010
Labour Market Information & Employment 07/06/2010- 11/06/2010 PMI Gov. Servants 04/06/2010
Ms.Word,Power Point and In-Page 14/06/2010- 26/06/2010 STI Gov. Servants 02/06/2010
Duties & Responsibilities of Private Secretaries/Personal Assistants 14/06/2010- 26/06/2010(ES) STI Gov. Servants 28/05/2010
Four Week(Part Time) English Typewritting Course of Ms.Word,Ms.Excel & PowerPoint 07/06/2010- 03/07/2010(ES) STI Gov. Servants 26/05/2010
Labour Market Information & Employment 07/07/2010- 11/07/2010 PMI Public & Private Sector 25/05/2010
English Shorthand Speed Course ,Ms.Word,Ms.Excel & PowerPoint 24/05/2010- 24/07/2010 STI Gov. Servants
APT Rules/Recruitment Policy & Promotion Policy 24/05/2010- 28/05/2010 STI Gov. Servants
Fucntional English 17/05/2010- 29/05/2010 STI Gov. Servants
Managing Network 10/05/2010- 15/05/2010 PMI Gov./Non-Gov Organizations 28/04/2010
Office Procedures/Practices 03/05/2010- 15/05/2010 STI Gov. Servants
Office Urdu 03/05/2010- 15/05/2010 STI Gov. Servants
Office Management 03/05/2010- 29/05/2010 STI Gov. Servants
Computer Training Course (Afternoon) 03/05/2010- 15/05/2010 STI Gov. Servants
English Shorthand theory Course 03/05/2010- 31/08/2010 STI Gov. Servants
Fire Prevention Officer’s Course 12/04/2010- 08/05/2010 National Institute of Fire Technology Gov. Servants
Daftari Urdu Course Semester Spring,2010 AIOU Gov. Servants
English Typing
Course including Ms.Word,Ms.Excel,Ms.powerpoint
19/4/2010- 15/05/2010 Secretariat
Training Institute
Gov. Servants
Problem Solving,Decision Making,Organizational Vison and Change Dynamics 19/4/2010- 24/04/2010 Secretariat
Training Institute
Gov. Servants only 07/04/2010