Download Title Duration Venue Applicable to Deadline

Training Courses

STI Govt. Officers

Strategic Intent of Human Resource Management

3 days  KPT, Karachi Govt. Officers 30th December, 2014 

Training Courses

ITM, Lahore Govt. Officers

Training Courses at PMI

PMI Govt. Officers

Training Courses at STI

STI Govt. Officials

Management Development Program

2 months Institute of Management Govt. Officers

Governance-A new subject at MSC Level

2 years NUML, Islamabad Govt. Officials 8th December, 2014

Admission in 1st year MBBS at Fatima Jinnah Medical College, Lahore for real daughters of the Federal Government Employees

1 year Fatima Jinnah Medical College, Lahore Govt. Officials 1st December, 2014
Training Courses at STI STI  Govt. Officers
Modern Database Management 3 days PMI Govt. Officials  28th November, 2014
 Training Courses at PMI   PMI Govt. Officers  
 Training Courses at STI   STI Govt. Officials  
 Training Courses at STI   STI Govt. Officers  
 Training Courses at PMI   PMI Govt. Officers
 Internet and its Application 4 days  PMI Govt. Officials 10th October, 2014
 PITAD’s New Initiatives-Capacity Building Workshop PITAD Govt. Officers 2nd October, 2014
 Desktop Application Development with Visual Basic 5 Days Pakistan Manpower Institute Govt. Officials 3rd October, 2014
 Training Courses /Seminar /Workshop at PMI Pakistan Manpower Institute Govt. Officers

Organization Development and Change Management Worshop

3 Days National Library of Pakistan Govt. Officers 1st September, 2014

TRAINING COURSES / Seminar / Workshop for September 2014

30 Days Pakistan Manpower Institute Govt. Officers 4th September, 2014


Secretariat Training Institute Govt. Officers 28 August, 2014

Training Course/Seminar/Workshop on Stress Management, Decision Making and Human Recourse Management

8 days Pakistan Manpower Institute Govt. Officers 2 August, 2014

Training Course/Seminar/Workshop on Conflict Management and Anger Management

4 days Pakistan Manpower Institute Govt. Officers 9 July, 201414 July 2014

Four days information technology training course

4 days Pakistan Manpower Institute Govt. Officers

Training Courses / Seminar / Workshop schedule for the month of July, 2014

3 weeks Pakistan Manpower Institute Govt. Officers

Lecture/Talk of Mr. Nabeel Umer, Director NAVTTC Regional Office Karachi on Regional TVET Conference…

Pakistan Manpower Institute Govt. Officers

Training Calendar for 1st Quarter (July 2014 to September 2014)

Ministry of Planning and Development Govt. Officers

Training Courses

Secretariat Training Institute. ISB Govt. Officers

Computer Training Courses for June 2014

Govt. Officers

Training Courses / Seminars / Workshop for June 2014

Govt. Officers

6 Month Training Course on “English Typewritting”

Govt. Officers

Modern Management Techniques

26-05-2014 to 30-05-2014 Estab. Div. Govt. Officers 06-05-2014

Civil Defence Camp Relief Management Course

12-05-2014 to 23-05-2014 Civil Defence Academy, Lahore Govt. Officials 13-05-2014
Training Courses at STI STI Govt. Officers
Training Courses at PMI PMI Govt. Officials
Training Courses at PMI PMI Govt. Officials
Training Courses at STI STI Govt. Officials
Workshop on “Gender Mainstreaming” 23-04-2014 to 25-04-2014 Estab. Div. Govt. Officers 07-04-2014
Seminar Under NTISB 10-04-2014 Cabinet Div. Govt. Officers 25-03-2014
Training Courses at STI STI Govt. Officials
Constructing Human Resource Management Frame Work with in Public Sector 14-04-2014 to 18-04-2014 Karachi Govt. Officers 27-03-2014
E-Government and Organizational Development 23-04-2014 to 25-04-2014 PMI Govt. Officers 01-04-2014
Training Courses at PMI PMI Govt. Officers
Training Courses at STI STI Govt. Officials
The Role of Vocational Guidance and Vocational Training for Human Resource Development 3-7-March-2014 & 20-21-March-2014 PMI Govt. Officers 21-02-2014 & 07-03-2014
Civil Defence Camp Relief Management Course 17-02-2014 to 28-02-2014 Civil Defence Academy Govt. Officials 30-01-2014
Gender Mainstreaming 10-02-2014 to 14-02-2014 Estab. Div. Govt. Officers 24-01-2014
Research Methodology for Employment and Manpower Issues 27-01-2014 to 21-01-2014 PMI Govt. Officers 21-01-2014