Download Title Duration Venue Applicable to Deadline
Intellectual Property 16/05/2011-27/05/2011 Geneva Gov. Servants 08-1-2011
Trade Facilitation 08/02/2011-10/02/2011 Istanbul(Turkey) Gov. Servants 27-12-2010
Graduate Level Courses 25/06/2011-05/08/2011 Oslo(Norway) Gov. Servants 15-01-2011
Advance Regional Workshop on trade in Services 08/02/2011-11/02/2011 Singapore Gov. Servants 08-12-2010
Understanding Modern China Workshop 03/11/2010-16/11/2010 Beijing(China) Gov. Servants 22-10-2010
Regional Capacity Building Workshop 30/11/2010-02/12/2010 New Delhi(India) Gov. Servants 21-10-2010
IDP Merit Scholarship programme Year
Gov. Servants 06-11-2010
PH.D in Public Policy in Korean Development Institute year 2011 Seoul,Korea Gov. Servants 10/10/2010
Master of Public Policy in Economic Development(MPP/ED)
Year 2011 Seoul,Korea Gov. Servants
Regional Perspective on Developing and Develep Countries Cooperation 22-11-2010-
Hyderabad,India Gov. Servants 30/09/2010
Trade Promotion 07-10-2010-
Seoul,Korea Gov. Servants 06/09/2010
Improvement of Implementation on Security Export Control 05-12-2010-
Japan Gov. Servants 02/09/2010
KDI School of Public Policy & Management Year 2011 Seoul,Korea-Colombo Gov. Servants 27/08/2010
Master of Public Policy (MPP) Year 2011 Korean Development Institute Gov. Servants 26/08/2010
UNITAR Training Programme on Human Development Impact Assesment of Trade 20-09-2010-
Online (Through Internet) Gov. Servants 24/08/2010
Implementation of the WTO agreement (B) Under Japan International Agency (JICA) 17-09-2010-
Gov. Servants 18/08/2010
Seminar on Next Generation Constrcution and Service Planning for Asian Countries 12-10-2010-
Beijing(China) Gov. Servants 02/08/2010
Seminar on System of Intellectual Property and Development of Science & Technology,Trade & Economy of Developing Countries 11-10-2010-
Qingdao,Shandong(China) Gov. Servants 02/08/2010
Women As Global Entrepreneures 02-08-2010-
Kulampur Gov. Servants 16/07/2010
Intensive Training Workshop on Trade negotiatiing Skills 19-07-2010-
Istanbul,Turkey Gov. Servants 12/07/2010
Trade Promotion 21-10-2010-
Korea Gov. Servants 26/07/2010
Workshop on Market Access For Non-Agricultural Products 24-08-2010-
Beijing,China Gov. Servants 05/07/2010
Training Program On Enterpreneurship Development using the Blue Ocea Strategy 25-07-2010-
Srilanka Gov. Servants 16/06/2010
Training Program on Capacity Building for Gender Equality in Pakistan 07-07-2010-
Korea Gov. Servants 07/06/2010
Training Program For OverSeas Fellows 2010-2011 Offered By IDEAS Institute Sep,2010-March,2011 Jetro,Japan Gov. Servants
Master Degree Programme in International Development Studies ( Comparative Development) July,2010-July,2011 Seoul Korea Gov. Servants 18/05/2010
EXBS Programme-Train the Trainers Advanced Commodity Identification Training Workshop 10-06-2010-
Amman,Jordan Gov. Servants 03/05/2010
Training Program on International Trade and WTO 08-07-2010-
Seoul Korea Gov. Servants 03/05/2010
Training Program on Trade Promotion 14-06-2010-
Seoul Korea Gov. Servants 29/04/2010
Australian Delelopment Scholarships (ADS ) -2011 Intake of Master Degree Level Awards Australia Gov. Servants 15/04/2010
Master’s Programme on International Development Policy Aug,2010-Sep,2010 Seoul,Korea Gov. Servants 12/04/2010
Seminar for senior Administration of Trade Association(Chamber of Commerce) 15-06-2010-
Beijing,China Gov. Servants 12/04/2010
Seminar for Economic and Trade Professional of Development Countries 09-06-2010-
Beijing,China Gov. Servants 27/03/2010
Colombo UniversityScience Malaysia Joint Post Graduate programme Session2010/2010 Penang,Malaysia Gov. Servants 29/03/2010
System Development For Small & Medium Enterprise (SMEs) May 24 -June 25, 2010 Malaysia Gov. Servants 20/04/2010
Effective CapacityBuilding for Senior Public Officials Oct. 31-Nov. 13 2010 Malaysia Gov. Servants 05/09/2010
Common Wealth Regional Programme on Diplomatic Training 28 June-09 July,2010 Kuala Lumpur-Malaysia Gov. Servants only 04/06/2010